Cell line (origin) protocol passage before transplant site of transplant transplanted cells mouse strain: sex:
age: condition
histology after -3 months histology after 6- months pathological diagnosis
Human fetal frontal lobe (9 weeks old) oh-NSC-7-fb p13 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human fetal frontal lobe (9 weeks old) oh-NSC-7-fb p13 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human fetal hindbrain (5-7 weeks old) SAI-1 p27 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human fetal hindbrain (5-7 weeks old) SAI-1 p28 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1201C1) NR-NSPC p12 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1201C1) NR-NSPC p12 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1231A3) EB-NSPC p7 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1231A3) EB-NSPC p7 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult dermal fibroblast-dericed iPSC lt-NESC AF22 p37 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1201C1) EB-NSPC p8 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult dermal fibroblast-dericed iPSC lt-NESC AF22 p37 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1201C1) EB-NSPC p8 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF-) p10 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF-) p8 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF-) p20 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF-) p20 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF+) p7,8 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF+) p11 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF+) p20 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) lt-NESC (EGF+) p20 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) EB-NSPC p8 Striatum, bilateral 1x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) EB-NSPC p8 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 5x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) NR-NSPC p10 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1210B2) NR-NSPC p10 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 5x10^5/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1231A3) NR-NSPC p10 Striatum, bilateral 1x10^5/mouse NOG mouse : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult PBMC-derivediPSC (1231A3) NR-NSPC p10 Spinal cord, epicenter of injury 1.4x10^6/mouse NOD/SCID mouse : female :
9 weeks old : SCI9pod
Mouse fetal NSPC (ffLuc+) Transgenic mice cp156-derived, GFP+ p3 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse B6J : female :
9 weeks old : 9days after SCI
Human adult dermal fibroblast-dericed iPSC lt-NESC AF22 p54 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG : female :
10 weeks old : intact
Human adult dermal fibroblast-dericed iPSC lt-NESC AF22 p55 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG : female :
9 weeks old : intact
Human adult dermal fibroblast-dericed iPSC (409B2) lt-NESC p24 Striatum, bilateral 2x10^6/mouse NOG : female :
9 weeks old : intact

*NSPC: neural stem/progenitor cells
*SCI: spinal cord injury (contusion injury, 60-70kdn by IH impacter)
*PBMC: peropheral blood derived mononuclear cell
*oh-NSC-7-fb: Kanemura et al, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2002
*SAI-1: Tailor et al, Journal of Neuroscience, 2013
*AF22: Falk et al, Plos ONE, 2012

Sugai K, Fukuzawa R, Shofuda T, Fukusumi H, Kawabata S, Nishiyama Y, Kawai K, Isoda M, Kanematsu D, Hashimoto-Tamaoki T, Kohyama J, Iwanami A, Suemizu H, Ikeda E, Matsumoto M, Kanemura Y, Nakamura M, Hideyuki O. Pathological classification of human iPSC-derived neural stem/progenitor cells towards safety assessment of transplantation therapy for CNS diseases. Molecular Brain. 2016 Sep 19;9(1):85. doi: 10.1186/s13041-016-0265-8. [PubMed]

Isoda M, Kohyama J, Iwanami A, Sanosaka T, Sugai K, Yamaguchi R, Matsumoto T, Nakamura M, Okano H. Robust production of human neural cells by establishing neuroepithelial-like stem cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived feeder-free iPSCs under xeno-free conditions. Neurosci Res. 2016 Sep;110:18-28. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2016.04.003. Epub 2016 Apr 13. [PubMed]

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